Friday, January 3, 2014

Last Week in Mexico

Feliz Año Nuevo Mi Familia

So... I tried to send the best email I have written yet this morning... but the power went out and it didnt save to the drafts... so I lost it. Hopefully this email will be just as good.

I love to hear about all your stories. I laughed so hard (out loud) when I read some of your emails. I took pics of the parts that I thought were cool. I think I will send a pic home with the presents I have for you guys. I am so excited for you guys to see what I got you. 

This is crazy. It is 2014. Wanna know what is even crazier!? This is the only year I will be a missionary for all the months of a year. That makes it sound like it is almost over! It is going to go by so fast. After this year, it is almost another year before I come home, but it is going to fly by. Already the first month is over. I leave the CCM in 4 days. That is kind of sad. The week of Christmas I repented and decided I love the CCM. I would tell you all the bad times that I have had here... but there aren't really any. I cant remember them. Sure there are times where it is hard and there are times where I don't like my district, but those times are very few, and the good times outweigh the bad times. I am sad to be leaving the CCM. I have made great friends here. The environment is safe and forgiving as we practice spanish... I don't think it will be that way in NJ. The food is... actually the food is not that good, but I don't have to make it so that´s happy.

Although these things do make me happy and have help make my CCM experience good, they are only small treasures compared to the friends I have made and the spirit I have felt.  I have made some friends that will last long past my mission, and I find myself smiling all the time whenever they are around. I cant wait for you to meet them. Me and my companion get along great, I think you guys would think he is funny. E. Nicholas and E. Moore are probably my closest friends though. They are my casamates and we spend almost every night doing who knows what. They both enjoy soccer so whenever they have a p-day they come and play with me. Today was our last day playing in the cage (where we play soccer most of the time) forever. They are so fun and way good. Sometimes at night we go into our cute lil cold-a-sac and mess around with the fútbol. I think I would be crying if E. Moore and I weren´t starting an indoor soccer team when we get back. I seriously love these kids so much.

One of my favorite things here is the chance I get to feel the spirit. On Tuesday my casamates and my district combined because one of our teachers just left. Sadly, we don't get to see her before we leave, but that´s beside the point. We combined and my good buddies taught my companion while I observed and wrote down good things they did. I could tell one of them was having a hard time and looked really sad. Their teacher then told each person of my district that we would teach a companionship. I dibbed my casamates. We went and shared our testimonies and helped each other feel stronger, happier, and more confident in our abilities to do this. One thing the spirit taught me while I was sharing my testimony comes from D&C 101:16. God is a big word, not in length, but in significance. God can mean so much. Instead of always reading god, put things in there that describe god or the things he has. For example, "Be still and know that I love you," or "be still and know I have a perfect plan." It was wonderful to teach and be taught by the spirit in the lesson with my good buddies. They are strong kids... I look up to them a lot.

Every Sunday, we have a gospel movie night. It is super relaxing, yet empowering at the same time. This last Sunday we watched the testaments. Its not that great... but it brought the spirit into the room. As Jesus came to the Nephites, he lets them touch Him "one by one." According to Elder Bednar, the phrase one by one is only used 6 times in the Libro de Mormón. I challenge you guys to find them as you read the BoM this year, and David, don't just word search it: president bednar said not to do that. Just kidding dave, but he really did say that we should read it cover to cover to find the answers. Anyways, the spirit did something that it hasn't done yet. I was overcome with an insane want to know my savior, and I am not talking about seeing him. If i saw my savior and the spirit did not testifying to me, not much would change within me, because it is the emotions and the deep feelings that change us. I didn't believe that for the longest time, but now I do. This sudden and powerful desire made me cry. CRY! what?... I never cry. I didn't cry because I felt the spirit... I was crying because I wanted it soooo bad (and because i was a bit tired). I was sad, though, that I didn't know my savior as much as I should. The spirit has born witness many times to me that HE LIVES. Sé que mi salvador vive. Although I do have a knowledge of my savior, I was so sad that I didn't know him more. It has become my deepest desire to know my Savior. 
That is my goal this year - 2014. To become more acquainted with my Savior by doing ALL that he asks of me. I am His this year, and this year is His. Be excited for me, because this might be the best year yet.

Next week, I will be in NJ... but I can talk to you guys on the phone next week. I will maybe hopefully possibly call you at the mission home... but I am for sure calling you around eight or nine (I don't know when I land actually) at the Dallas airport. I can't wait to talk to you!
Please send my uke over asap. We haven't been able to listen to music at ALL here at the CCM. No ipods. It is the worst... so I would love to have my uke whenever you can get it out there. Also... Can you send me my blue vans along with another two or three t shirts? Thanks for taking care of that luggage. That means the world to me. 

I love you familia. Dios Les guarde. Les Amo.

Hasta NJ

Elder McFarland

p.d. are you getting my pics? 
p.d.d. gracias por los regalos... Fueron los mejores partes de mi navidad. Los Amé y Les Amo mucho.

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