Friday, December 20, 2013

Feliz Navidad!

Feliz Navidad!

Hey guys. So... mexico is kind of cool. I will eat my words, I like it here. Still, I cannot wait to get out to the field. I feel so many times the spirit leading me and guiding me to people who need my help. I had an awesome opportunity to witness a miracle this week. I had been praying for the opportunity to witness miracles, and the next day I got to perform one. Its kind of small, but its a miracle to me. I have this new buddy, Elder Murray. He is way cool. His dad messed up and he doesnt really have a dad anymore. Grew up with his mom and siblings. He arrived a week ago and is in my branch. We were practicing a song we are going to sing as a branch on Christmas, and Elder murray asked me if he could talk to me. We went outside and he started crying. just bawling. He was overwhelmed by the position that had been placed on him. being a missionary is tough. Beyond that he is district leaser so he has to be strong for his district. He asked me for a blessing. I said por supuesto... which means of course. He grabbed his companion, and we went into another room. there, I began to talk to him. We talked for a good twenty five  mintues. Every word felt like the spirit placed them right in my mouth and in his heart. Even before the blessing, i extended him the comfort and peace that i was promised (am I allowed to do that?). The spirit guided me to then give him a blessing, which is a lot easier to do than in spanish (gave my first spanish blessing earlier that day). The blessing was powerful, and I can say that because it wasnt me talking. Truly, I feel like it was a miracle.
Today I went through an endowment in Spanish. Entirely in Spanish. It was cool, but kind of exhausting. I love the temple. Its great.

This Chritmas I am searching for Christ. I want a stronger testimony of him. You guys should too. 

Les Amo ( I love you guys)

Next week on Christmas I will be emailing any time from 9-1 your time. MERRRY CHRISTMAS! 

Les Amo

Eldér McFarland

Friday, December 13, 2013

Life is Good in the Gospel

Dear family,

I miss each and everyone of you. so much.

A mission is great! I am surprised at how normal this feels. I feel like I have been here for three months. The CCM is gorgeous! But guess what! It hasnt been dedicated/set apart yet! It hasnt had its dedicatory prayer or whatever. Crazy right? It has the biggest campus out of any MTC, but not all of it is being used. They started renovation for the 800 missionaries that will be coming after Christmas. We got kicked out of our cute little dormitory and are now in Casa 48. Its bigger, but not better in my opinion, but because we moved I met some great kids! I like them a lot. Elder nicholas and Elder Moore. I took the bread and my friend brought some nutella so we had ourselves a nutella party. 
 Although the ccm is nice. I wish I was in the mission feild. I know I need to first obtain his word ( in spanish and english) before I can teach with power, but I am so excited! I have heard a lot of cool stories about New Jersey. For example, this one kid´s brother is serving there and the first day he got there he met the leader of a gang. The gangs are super superstitious so they dont mess with the missionaries. IN fact, this gang member told this missionary if the missionary had any problems, the gang member would take care of it. So thug. SO pumped. 
I have had many spiritual experiences here where I have felt god´s love for his children. It is the most desirable gift. I am lovin my mission

The language is going great! My english is struggling though so sorry if I am making up things. I am learning fast, and I dont feel overwhelmed. The gift of tongues is real.

I think the hardest thing so far has been getting along with my district. I dont really fit in there, and I dont really feel comfortable expressing my ideas or opinions. Luckily, I am not here to share those. I am here to share my testimony, so its really not that bad. I just have to always be positive and stay light-hearted. They are great people though! All of them have something I need to learn.
Ok so here are a lot of pictures. Some are of our lil dormitorio, lavendria, temple, native roommates, christmas stuff... I dont really know. I didnt have time to go through it all. 

Life is good in the gospel.

Well I love you all. Cant wait to hear from you guys. Les Amo

 Elder McFarland

Thursday, December 5, 2013

1st P-Day

Familia! I miss you guys so much :) I notice everyday how blessed I am to have such a great family. I truly think and miss you every single day, but the memory of your faces doesnt bring me sadness. I always feel motivated and happy when I think about my family. You guys are my greatest gift. I wish I had spent more time with you before I left, but I am looking forward to the upcoming reunion. Family, my english is very bad. It gets worse everyday, so please excuse me if i say something stupid. The Lord has blessed me with so much peace and comfort that everyday here seems to be a good day. I have yet to experience a day where I feel completely discouraged. I know it is because the spirit is with me all the time. 

So... there is bread here. A lot of bread. But the rest of the gifts are out and decorating our cute little dormitorio. The Christmas Tree, the lights, the sweater, the socks, the nativity, and the yummy chocolate filled calendar are all out. Do i need to open anything else up? 
My P-day is on thursday so I apologize for the week long wait for my letter. I promise I would have written you if I could. I found a way that i can email for more than an hour... so get on and we can instant chat... whatever it is called. haha. 

CCM is awesome. The grass is just like the lawn outside our hotel in hawaii. Its warm and sunny and everyday i get to go outside and study underneath the shade of a palm tree. Its beautiful.

I am learning spanish so fast. The opportunity on the plane to talk to someone in spanish was only the beginning. I have two latinos in my dormitorio. I freaking love them. They are hilarious. I talk to them in spanish and they help me with my awkward sentences. I also help them speak ingels. They are my HOOOMIEESSS. Elder Bellavance is a super chill kid. He is cool. He is into football and lifting weights, so at the beginning of gym time we go work out for about 20 minutes. I ride the stationary bike thingy. Its fun, but I would rather be playing volleyball with my district.

My district is pretty good. We get along most of the time and we all help each other grow. Its sometimes hard because my comprehension of spanish is higher than some of theirs, but helping them learn spanish is a privilege. At times I just want to go out into the field and learn spanish there because i feel ready...i feel pumped. but i know i have so much more to learn.

We taught this investigator in the last week. Her name is "Fanny Reyes." We started teaching her last thursday ( the day after we arrived here). Me and my companion did well. On friday, we challenged her to get baptized. She said no, but then tuesday we asked her again and she said yes. The spirit that we felt in that room those five days we taught her was undeniable. Yesterday I felt the spirit so strong. It led me to testify and feel that god loves me. He loves all of his children, and it is such a blessing to feel his love. It truly is one of the most desirable gifts.

OK so "fanny" was a fake investigator... but i think we did really well at teaching her. Fanny will become our new teacher at night... and i really hope her name isnt fanny because... yea.
I have gained a love for the scriptures. They are so beautiful and true. Its my testimony that we come closer to god when we read them.

I got to go to the temple today! It was good :) Its a pretty temple, and I felt the spirit there.
I dont have a lot of time in the world so if my friends dont know what's going on with me, or they think I am ignoring them, tell them I am doing good and am trying to answer their emails. I dont know what you are doing with my emails and if i should write one just to the family, and then one to everyone, or if I should just write one big one to everyone, or if I respond individually. I dont know. What would be best. 

I love you family. I really do. Good luck with everything. Tell me about everything that is going on in life! I hope I answered all of your q's. 
Dios nos ama, y yo le amo. 

-Elder McFarland

Sunday, December 1, 2013

David's Poem

In The Basement

by David McFarland

I stand alone in the dark hallway
After turning off the lights,

I noticed.

Big bro isn't coming home tonight, 
Nor will he for his Best 2 Years
I feel lonely as I walk to my room in the darkness,
Alone in an empty basement.
The empty rooms themselves don't upset me
But what they represent,
And the memories they've saved.

And yet,

It is not a feeling of sadness that fills my heart
But a feeling of hope and reassurance
Of God and His work for us.
His love radiates from all around,

And I notice.

I am not alone.
My brother is never gone.
He is with me on the tramp, 
Playing "attack of the marblens"
He is with me, 
controller in hand, 
As we beat the last boss of Kingdom Hearts,
 for the millionth time.
He is with me in the town homes 
On a frozen pond in a frozen world,
Our hands like Tigers
(I really like cattails)
He is standing in the bathroom,
I ask to hurry and get ready for bed before him
"Goodnight Bro, I love you."
He is home.

And so, 

I do not miss my brother,
Because I was never aiming at him.
Our sights are set higher,
And we choose to serve God.
Is 2 years really all we get?
To do the work we have been 
Preparing for our whole lives?
Or is it just the beginning of our eternal mission,
To bring about the work of God.
God has time and power
To do anything He wants, 
So He helps us.
"To bring to pass the eternal life of man"

This is our work and our glory

4 years. A great start to a mission,
That will last the eternities.


We dropped Elder Tyler McFarland off at the airport Wednesday, November 27!! Later that day he arrived at the Mexico MTC.

We received this email from him that night:

heyyyy. i am here safe and sound. my bags are with me and they are all here! The last flight I talked in Spanish with a guy for the whole time. He was so cool and kind and smart. It was great practice, and I got to share with him my beliefs. I should have been more bold because we practically just skimmed the surface... but I don't really know how to say much. Anyways, I love you guys very much. I miss you already, but I am happy to be here. It is like Hawaii. This is going to be amazing! My first companion´s name is Elder ANdrew Roger Bellavance. I havent met him yet so keep yo fingers crossed. My name tag is pretty sweet. Here is my stuff. I am praying for you guys. 


-Elder McFarland

He also included his mailing address! Feel free to send him letters :)
Elder Tyler Duke McFarland
06/01/2014 13-B
Carretera Tenayuca-Chalmita #828
Colonia Zona Escolar, Gustavo A. Madero
07230 Mexico, Distrito Federal