Monday, February 24, 2014

NJ is Bizarreeee

NJ is bizarreeeee.

I am in the hoood.

This week was super good. Tuesday morning I had my studies and then I went with Elder Tanner, Elder Flores (my papa) and his companion Elder Leon to Dunkin Donuts. I bought me and Elder Flores a donut and realized when I got back to my companion I hadn't bought him one. Although I didnt want to give up my doughnut (fat kid probs), I gave him my doughnut. From that moment on he and I have gotten along so well. We had some great times this week.

We moved Shannette's baptism to the 9 of March. Hannah, that is your birthday. Shannette will be "born again" on your birthday! I am so excited. Shannette has a big battle ahead of her, but if she keeps trying she will win. She has no problem with following the commandments. She gave up iced tea the day we taught her the word of wisdom. She is a golden investigator. Her problem is that she has practically no one to support her besides the missionaries and her less active and unreliable cousin, Lissette. Lissette has made some major changes, but she isn't keeping her commitments. The Lord will help her though if she truly puts her trust in him. 

After our Tuesday appointment with Shannette, we were walking. (this is a pretty gross story... not the most mission appropriate story). Elder Murray was walking ahead of me. I looked to my left and saw a girl. She was peeing. I didn't know this. I thought she had slipped or dropped something, so I asked her, "can I help you?" She said, " whoooooops. I'm sorry sir" as she stood up and pulled up her pants. It was so embarrassing. Welcome to Paterson.

Anyways. I love my mission right now. We had transfers last week so that was actually kind of sad. But I am excited to work very hard this upcoming week. We are having more and more success. We had bball and met 7 new potential investigators. That is pretty good in one night. We are also going to be contacting like crazy. It isn't as hard for me to talk to people. Sometimes I get scared when the people are scary, but you do it anyway. I love walking the streeets of Paterson.  Sometimes you get the scariest looking men to call you brother and give you a hug or get old women on the streets calling you honey or baby. Those are the times when you love being in the hood.

I love the people here. There is so much potential. I didn't see it at first, but really there is so much work to be done here in Paterson. There is so much potential, and if God wills it, this place will explode into a stronghold for the church. The people here need the gospel. 

I gave a talk yesterday about the Book of Mormon and I have realized how amazing it really is. It promises to guide us, heal us, and "carry us through this vale of sorrow" into a much better "promised land" (Alma 37:45... i think). I love that book. I love it like someone loves their significant other. It makes me happier, and I feel comforted EVERY time I read it. 

Jessieeee. Serve a mission :) its awesome. 
David. Get ready. It is fun, but hard.
Hannah. I love you. I hope you ask mom for a big present for your birthday.
Adam. Dont grow up. You are too cute in that suit.
Dad. Go to the Temple on your motorcycle.
Mom. It's gonna be 3 months on Thursday.

I love you.

Elder McFarland

Monday, February 17, 2014

Sick and Successful


So I got sick on Monday night with a sore throat. I woke up on Tuesday with a ton of congestion and pain in my chest. I could have stayed in bed and slept, but God helped me to want to be out working. We saw many miracles that day, and we were blessed with success. 
There have been so many miracles this last week. I was trying this investigator and the building that she lives in was locked. The past two weeks the door has been opened so we were surprised to find it locked. We walked away, but I felt we should go back. The whole way there I was praying that the door would be open. It was one of the most sincere prayers I have ever given. we arrived at the same time as one of the residents, and we got into the building. Although we only shared a five minute lesson with the investigator, God proved to me that he loves me. He loves me enough to open doors for me.

After a situation with the lady that deemed me "slim-goodie," we were walking. I had the thought to knock on a door. I walked up to the door and the first door I knocked we met a man named Jhon. Jhon is not very religious, but is a very special son of God. He is trying to change his life, so I hope he receives the gospel.

We committed Shannette to be baptized on the 23 of Feb... but she missed church yesterday so we are going to try next month. I would like her mom to also start taking the lessons, but we will see.

This week Elder Murray and I had some great bonding moments. The snow here is ridiculous. We were walking in knee-deep snow. I was filming and he tripped. We had some good laughs and good times, but I will be honest, it is really hard to continue to love him. I am learning to be patient and humble. It shouldn't be hard for me because he is a great guy. He does a lot of good things. He is doing his best. Sadly though, it is hard for me to be humble and confident.

The Book of Mormon is the best. I love it like I love ice cream... maybe even a bit more. I find myself at night wanting to read it. The feelings I get when I read it are always refreshing, and I know it is the Spirit. It is a miracle! Really, what a weird thing to believe in... But it truly does bring peace. It is a testimony that Jesus is the Christ, that he lives.

I know that God answers prayers. I love the Book of Mormon. Jesus is my hope and my joy.
Keep doing the right thing family. I love you. Each and everyone of you.

Be goood

Elder McFarland

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Some Fun Pictures from Mexico

Week #5

Wow. Time is starting to go by fast. I swear I was just writing an email like this 2 days ago.
This week was a humbling week
Monday was a blizzard! We got snowed in so I didn't get to go shopping or anything. Luckily I had food. I stayed in the apt. all day writing letters.
Tuesday we had zone meeting. It was so fun. Elder Murray, about 4 other missionaries and I  put together a fun skit about the Book of Mormon for the rest of the zone. I was Joseph Smith. This monthly focus is the Book of Mormon, so I am studying it like no one's business.As a mission, our goal is to read it in 90 days. It isn't too bad for us missionaries, but still I give up some of my relaxing time. I couldn't be more happy to though. This week I have noticed that I have a relationship with the Book of Mormon. I truly do love it. I am focusing in on really receiving a strong testimony that it is the word of God. That night we picked up 2 investigators
Wednesday we had 0 lesssons. It was a bit frustrating because we were messing around most of the day.
Thursday we worked hard. I don't really remember Thursday but I know it was better than Wednesday. I am pretty sure Thursday is the day we found a new investigator.
Friday we had interviews with President Jeppson. That man is amazing. He was promised that he would know his missionaries as if he had known them since they were born. He really does know a lot about me. He is a patriarch so sometimes I feel as if I sees things others dont see in themselves. He didn't say anything super significant, but the feeling I had with him was bizarre and good at the same time.
Saturday was when we committed Shannette to be baptized.
Yesterday (Sunday) was kind of rough. Lissett, Alejandro, and Shannette didnt come. If Shannette would have come, we could have her baptized really soooon. I taught false doctrine and took the correction well... but I was embarrassed. I felt as if I lost this members trust. That was hard. Luckily forgiveness is real and the Lord will forgive me. Elder Murray and I connected so that was good. I still struggle with loving him but it is good for me to learn to have charity and patience. I need to be more humble so we can have the spirit with us always.
We have been having more success this week. We got 4 new investigators! 2 of them have committed to baptism, although one of them will take a while to convert because she works everyday and seriously has NO time to see us except monday nights. The other should be baptized in 2 weeks. Her name is Shannette. She is Lissett's and Alejandro's second cousin, but is more like Lissett's sister. The hard part with her is getting her to be honest and talking, and then be baptized for the right reasons. The other 2 investigators will take some time, but I love them just the same. They have struggles and challenges, but they both are very good people and deserve the best.
I am starting to be out here because I love the people. I pray that I will have charity. 
I love my mission.
I love you guys.
I know god loves us and answers our prayers. Keep praying for the missionaries here. There is a lot of trials and sicknesses around me. Pray for Joe. Pray for Shannette that she will know the truth. Pray for Lissette and Alejandro. Pray for Randy and his family, that they will receive the gospel. Pray for Carmen and Betty that they will make the changes they need to be converted. Pray for the De la Cruz Family that their dad will be converted too.  Please. at least one prayer right now.
Pray that I will be humble, patient, and loving.
Your missionary is praying for you. I love you family.

Elder McFarland

Monday, February 3, 2014

Week #4

So little time! Ah.

I am just gonna talk about this last week because I can hardly keep my days straight.

Monday was awesome! We went bowling as a zone. So stinking fun. I got to know some of the members of my zone better. I have made so many friends! I got 2 strikes on my first two bowls. I stopped caring after that, but we played for 5 hours. I only got like 3 more strikes after that, but it was fun to play with my zone. They are all so good. Tuesday was not a good day for us. We had 0 lessons. Kinda frustrating and I wasn't very happy.Wednesday was awesome! I had a specialized training with President Jeppson. I have probably said it ten times now, but I would follow him into war. He is so amazing. I have no idea how the incoming president will be, but he better be good after Pres. Jeppson. He is so amazing. That night I taught a 20 minutes lesson to the youth. We raised a title of liberty promising we would "fight the good fight" for our god, our religion, etc. It was great because we wrote the title of liberty on the back of an old shirt. Elder Murray had 2 shirts on and when it came time, he ripped the shirt and showed the title of liberty. the youths' faces were so funny. It was a great lesson if I dont say so myself. The Lord will probably put an obstacle in my way this week because of my lack of humility. 

I have really needed to be humble this week. I dont know what it is, but sometimes it is hard to love my comp. I just have to keep recognizing that I need to be loving and humble, and that he isn't doing those things that annoy me on purpose. He loves me, and I need to love him.

Thursday was a hard day. I think I was tired (physically and spiritually) and hungry. We had an alright lesson with two of my favorite less-actives, Lissete and Alejandro. They have a cousin that I will talk about later, but these two need help. We love them so much, but Alejandro needs to change. Lissette has come to church 2 time in a row. E. Murray said she hasn't come since he has been here so that's success. Anyways, we had a lesson with them, then we tried to find people to teach. It was hard, I didn't want to talk and Elder Murray decided to be conversational, and I was angry that I have not taught a progreessing investigator yet. I honestly was so worn out. I prayed very hard that night, telling my Father in heaven all of my feelings. After I went to bed that night, I felt so much better. Friday I woke up with the determination to make it a great day. It was a miraculous day. About an hour into our contacting, I asked a lady if she needed help with her bag. I guess I kind of scared her or something cuz she seemed really defensive. I insisted that she let us help her (nicely of course). She let us and we discovered that she had been in the hospital for a couple days with a bunch of problems the doctors can't really help her with. we walked and listened as she told us about her kids, her last 2 husbands, living on her own, her testimony, and her uncountable problems. She truly was a strong lady. I carried that bag for about 45 minutes until I switched with Elder Murray for 15 minutes, then I took another turn. This second turn got me. Underneath this bag I started to feel a little sorry for myself. i quickly dove into the conversation, just in time too. I came in and she was talking about her life. She was very open and we had talked about god and jesus and stuff, but this was the first time I started to share my testimony. i shared my testimony of jesus. I felt so happy in that moment to take his yoke upon me. In that moment, his yoke was made light. In all, we probably carried that 25lb bag on our shoulders for an hour and a half, and walked about 3 miles. (we went out of our area w/ permission). She thanked us, and we stopped in front of a small home. It was a home for homeless people. The doors were closing at 4. She would not have gotten there in time to sleep there. She would have had to sleep on the streets.

God prepares people for us to meet and to serve and I am more than happy to just serve his children and share my testimony. This was work. This was true missionary work to me, and I changed my vision of it this week.

I wish I had time to tell you all about the other people god has prepared for me, but I guess that is for another time.

Dave, I love you. Stay strong. Stay happy. Mantenga suave. ;) te amo

Jess, I didnt get to read your email :( I love you and pray for you every night

Hannah, I am sorry timp is closing. That made me sad to hear. I know you will be even happier in the school that god has planned for you to attend.

Adam. I miss you and I hung up your letter on my wall. I love you so much little guy. Stay wiggly like that tooth of yours

Mom. Dear mommy :) I love you. SO much. I am sending you a letter this week

Dad! Stay cool until I get home. That motorcycle is calling my name. Keep working hard and loving your family. YOU ARE THE BEST DAD EVER. I brag about you a lot.

Family. get on my family search and check it out. I am starting to do that and its fun. I added some stuff to mine and I encourage you to link us together (kids... you aren't on there. I have no siblings!) 

I love you. More miracles are coming. More blessings are on the way. I love you.

-Your happy Missionary