Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Third Transfer in Caldwell

Elder Gonzalez and I will stay together in Caldwell! We are going to do great work. I am excited to learn and grow with Elder Gonzalez. He has taught me a lot.

Highlight of my week: Yorleni and Daniela got a kitten. It is so cute. It reminds me of Shawty. Her name is Lupita. Almost anytime I go over I cant help but grab her and put her on my lap. She usually sleeps there during the whole lesson. It is awesome. I miss my pets. Maybe I want to go into animal science for my career. I dont know we will see. I still have 9 months.

March brought in a snow storm here. It is funny because if it snows at all, the whole state shuts down. Whimps. Nah, it is dangerous to drive in NJ without snow so it is understandable why everyone hibernates as soon as it starts snowing. We only got about 5 inches. I am super grateful that we havent gotten what other missions have seen this winter. The east coast missions have seen some pretty crazy blizzards. 

9 missionaries are leaving from our zone. It is sad. Transfers have to be the worst part of the mission. You get close with a few people and then.... you dont see them for a while. Its good (I guess) because then we can really focus on the work. 

Emily and Claudia Carranza will be getting baptized on the 14 of March! I am so excited for them. That is no small miracle. We didnt even set them on that date. They chose it themselves. The president of the branch was talking with them and the two girls brought up baptism. They chose to be baptized and are in the process of asking the men they have chosen to baptize them. Something I have learned more than anything these last couple transfers is that God does His work. I just need to be humble enough to get out of the way and let him show me how it is done. We havent been able to meet with Doryn, and she couldnt come to church, so no visual progress there. Alvaro came to church. He is such a sweet person. He struggles with some anxiety, and he knows his problems, and he just wants to be a good man. He wants to start a family and be a good father. I feel for him. It must be so hard for him. 

Daniela continues to feel the Spirit but the timing isnt right yet. It just hasnt matched up like it has before. So until its time, we will be there encouraging her to continue to increase her testimony. 

The Vaca family is on vacation. They are on a disney cruise. I have seen some pictures, and I would give up a lot to be a Vaca right now. They are enjoying shorts and disney world and happiness. Nancy has stayed behind to watch the house. She made us my favorite soup ever. It is called sopa de chifles. It may be my favorite food I have tried on my mission.

Elder Brindley is being transfered out, but i am grateful that we got to do an exchange before he leaves. He came to our area and showed me how to do missionary work. He has only been out for a little bit, and his spanish isnt flawless, but he has a gift to know what people need to hear.

This transfer brings new struggles and challenges, but what I have learned is that I am always blessed beyond what I struggled. So now the only struggle is if I trust God, after he has shown me so many times that he is with me, do I really trust him to do it again? It is pretty pathetic, but I still struggle with the first step; the basics of what I am teaching. That is why the mission is the boot camp for the rest of my life. I hope by the end I feel like I can do anything in Christ who strengthens me. 

I am doing well. And I am happy and hopeful that this transfer will be as good as the rest.

Waz good
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the gospel

Love you

p.s. kitten

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