Monday, March 16, 2015

Lowest of Lows. Highest of Highs.

Satan is a mean fellah, but our God is good! This week was crazy, but crazy good!

Last Tuesday was zone meeting. I felt like a headless chicken running around trying to get everything organized. We started on time, but just barely. Everything went well, and I thought it was a good zone meeting. I gave a training and I used Jeffrey R Holland's talk "Good things to come." I love that talk. 
After zone meeting, I asked my good friend E Gossner for a blessing. He and I have served around each other since last July. I really look up to him. I asked for a blessing for various reasons, but I had an experience I will never forget. And I will never forget it, because it means a lot to me. E Gossner was righteous enough to be bold and say what the Spirit told him to say. A strong feeling came over me, and I knew that God loved me. I cant remember most of the blessing because I was so baffled at how God was really there, and how He really loved me. I usually dont cry when I feel the Spirit, but it was such a sweet release of doubts and questions and anger and bitterness and sadness, and probably some more complicated feelings, that I cried. And it felt good. I am so grateful that God let's us know that He loves us. I know He loves me.

I got to go on an exchange in New City, NY with E Class. We visited a lady who is in a mental institution, but she still had the missionary fire. She had served as a ward mission leader, and it was cool to see her tell random strangers about the gospel. She is a strong member although she cannot go to church. 

We had a special meeting this week. We learned about how the baptism of fire is different from confirmation. The baptism of fire is when we are redeemed. We receive the Spirit at confirmation, but we are not cleansed completely until we receive the baptism of fire. Sometimes it is at confirmation, but usually it is after. It is something God gives, not man. It was a really interesting training, and I cannot explain it as well as Elder Stroud did, but it is scriptural based. Also E Gossner is telling me that there are two talks that really explain it well: 'The Light of Christ' and 'Doctrine of making your election sure.' So I haven't read them yet, but it is something to look into.

Friday we moved to another house. So... mail may take a while to get to me if you sent it to that address. My new address is still a mystery to me. It is a small apartment, but it is cozy, and I like it. 
Saturday was the baptism of Claudia and Emilie. They are awesome. The service started late, but it was beautiful. I love being part of God's baptisms! It makes me happy. Sunday they got confirmed! This branch has only been running for a year, but God is really blessing them with new, strong people. It is a fun time to be in Caldwell!
I don't have all the right equipment so I cant send all the pics of this week, but I will send them next week.

Keep praying for Alvaro! We hope he is the next one to be baptized.

Remember that life is good in the gospel. 

God loves us!

Waz Good 
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the gospel

Love you

Baptism... Claudia is the older one, Emilie is the little one

E Gossner and I

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