Monday, February 2, 2015

Feb 2015

It's 2015. What? I just caught up.

January is passed. That flew by. Last week felt like a couple days. Tuesday we canceled District Meeting due to the weather (which really wasn't as bad as they cracked it up to be). It was a fun day because we went to a Recent Converts (Yorleni) house to teach her niece. We built snowmen and played in the snow. After that we taught a couple more lessons and finished the day nice and warm and safe at home. The "huge storm" was nothing. Hardly any snow fell and the sun was out for most the day. It was super funny because they canceled school and closed every store in preparation for this storm. We woke up to only 2 inches of snow. It was pathetic.

Last Wednesday we did an exchange with E Gossner after district meeting. He came to our area, making us a trio. We had a great day of proselyting, and I learned a lot from my companions. It was great to see E Gossner's way to teach and connect with the people. He is a super elder, and I want to be like him. We went to Yorleni's home and made cake. While we waited for the cake to bake, we taught a lesson to Daniela (the niece). She is going through a lot of problems, but she feels peace from what we teach so she is starting to make changes in her life. God is awesome!

Thursday we were in a meeting with the leadership of the mission for 9 hours. We learned from President Donaldson and Elder Stephenson. It was awesome! But I had a massive headache after and felt very nauseous. I hate being in meetings. It was great to be there and learn, but it was just way too much for one day. Friday I woke up feeling fine. We got to teach a 14 year old boy named Christian. He has been playing soccer with us for a while and has been to church 4 times now. We  taught him Friday and he already knew the story of Joseph Smith. We invited him to be baptized and he said "yes." He came off with the tone of "duh I will be baptized." Yesterday he accepted to be baptized the 22 of February. He is so smart, and he is excited to get baptized. Friday we did all of the little assignments and the meeting we had to do to get ready for our training tomorrow. I am somewhat excited for the meeting tomorrow but somewhat fed up with all of these meetings. Oh well. Someone has to do it.

I am so grateful to be a missionary at this time, in this place, with these people. God does the work, and He gives us the privilege to be part of it. We were teaching a lesson to our friend Daniela. We read D&C 9 and as she read the part about a fire within her chest. She paused. She kept reading, but I watched how something come over her. I asked her what she was feeling. She said that she felt the heat and the fire in her chest. I felt the Spirit. It was a moving experience for me to see that the scriptures have power and that as we read them, the Spirit will touch us. It was awesome.
Alvaro came to church yesterday and defended our faith in the lesson we had with his not so interested mom. He is retaining more than we think. He is very intelligent. 
So today it snowed a ton so we came to the house of one of our members that cant shovel his snow. From their computer, I am emailing! They are the Family Olortegui. They are from Lima Peru and are awesome!

Please forgive me for not sending photos. I forgot my camera.

I am grateful for my faith and religion. It brings me hope. And it will bring hope to anyone who is willing and open-hearted enough to try it.

Love you

Waz good
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the Gospel 

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