Saturday, January 24, 2015

slippin and slidin

This was a killer week. We had a super fun activity on monday. We played volleyball with zone 1. There were so many polynesians so it got pretty intense. They were knockin' the ball all over the place. I have never seen such hard spikes.

Tuesday was a normal Tuesday. We had good district meetings. I gave one of the district leaders a blessing because he has been struggling. He is awesome and is such a nice guy. He is an amazing missionary. One of my favorite things about my mission is learning from people like this Elder. We did hot seats for Elder Bigler and Elder Clow. They usually are more funny than spiritual, but this one was powerful. They are super good elders and served valiantly. Again, love learning from the many amazing missionaries here. 

Wednesday we had an exchange with the assistants. They are super missionaries. We went to their area and had 2 companionships working in their area. I got to go with Elder Wilcox. He is a genius, and he is fun. We contacted some pretty funny people. We taught 2 or 3 lessons, so as you can imagine, we were contacting for hours. I use to not like doing that, but I kind of miss it. It was an awesome exchange, and I learned a lot. 

Thursday we came back to our area and cleaned our apartment super well. It feels so much better. We did planning and then visited the Vaca family to help them get ready for receiving the priesthood. 

Friday we proselyted. It was stinking fun. We went to our branch mission leader's home and ate quality crepes. They are awesome. We had our little meeting and then booked it home to get our studies in. We then visited the Branch president and his family. They made us super good soup/broth and ate it. My taste has totally changed over my mission. Mom, I love avocados. I ate like 3 at there house. After that, we went to another appointment that fed us a bunch of spaghetti (without telling us before). We then went to another appointment that didn't tell us that they were expecting us to eat with them, and made a huge dinner for us. It was super good... but by this time I wanted to puke. Then we went to another appointment. One of our members invited her friends over to hear the lesson, but they came over with wine and stuff so... hopefully we can teach them when they are a little bit more sober. All in all, it was an awesome day full of the Spirit, but I wish there was a way to not get  my stomach so full.

We woke up to a crazy weather situation. We didn't notice it 'til we almost slipped on the ice. It was warm enough at 7:00 to rain, but at 7:30 there was a big temperature drop. The roads were frozen over. It was nuts. People could not walk without falling. I didn't know how bad it was 'til we got about 5 minutes away from our house. We made it up a hill, but decided to take a different route because there were struggling cars up ahead. We turned and started to drive down another street. We decided to take a turn on another street going downhill and we started to slide before we made it to the turn. We didn't slide forward or backwards, but sideways until we were up on top of the sidewalk and curb. At first it was us and another lady who was stuck as well, but then came another, and then another, and another, until it was 5 of stuck and a policeman and another men with salt helping us get out. We got out and made to church just in time to be there for the decision to cancel church. The Vaca family was there, along with a bunch of people from the stake. So the people that were there did sacrament meeting. I played the piano in sacrament meeting....(?) and gave a talk I had already prepared for that day. Super crazy sacrament, but it was enjoyable. After the service, Juan Pablo got the priesthood. He then gave it to his son. He gave a really good blessing from the heart and it reminded me of all the blessing my awesome dad has given me.

My week was good. We are doing an activity for the zone so I have 0 time to write, but I am glad I got this time to tell you all about the fun I had this week. I miss and love you.

Waz good
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the gospel

Elder McFarty

Super good food from Nancy and Irina

super cool bench?

One of the 5 dinners on Saturday. So good :)


Nancy, she is awesome!

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