Friday, December 13, 2013

Life is Good in the Gospel

Dear family,

I miss each and everyone of you. so much.

A mission is great! I am surprised at how normal this feels. I feel like I have been here for three months. The CCM is gorgeous! But guess what! It hasnt been dedicated/set apart yet! It hasnt had its dedicatory prayer or whatever. Crazy right? It has the biggest campus out of any MTC, but not all of it is being used. They started renovation for the 800 missionaries that will be coming after Christmas. We got kicked out of our cute little dormitory and are now in Casa 48. Its bigger, but not better in my opinion, but because we moved I met some great kids! I like them a lot. Elder nicholas and Elder Moore. I took the bread and my friend brought some nutella so we had ourselves a nutella party. 
 Although the ccm is nice. I wish I was in the mission feild. I know I need to first obtain his word ( in spanish and english) before I can teach with power, but I am so excited! I have heard a lot of cool stories about New Jersey. For example, this one kid´s brother is serving there and the first day he got there he met the leader of a gang. The gangs are super superstitious so they dont mess with the missionaries. IN fact, this gang member told this missionary if the missionary had any problems, the gang member would take care of it. So thug. SO pumped. 
I have had many spiritual experiences here where I have felt god´s love for his children. It is the most desirable gift. I am lovin my mission

The language is going great! My english is struggling though so sorry if I am making up things. I am learning fast, and I dont feel overwhelmed. The gift of tongues is real.

I think the hardest thing so far has been getting along with my district. I dont really fit in there, and I dont really feel comfortable expressing my ideas or opinions. Luckily, I am not here to share those. I am here to share my testimony, so its really not that bad. I just have to always be positive and stay light-hearted. They are great people though! All of them have something I need to learn.
Ok so here are a lot of pictures. Some are of our lil dormitorio, lavendria, temple, native roommates, christmas stuff... I dont really know. I didnt have time to go through it all. 

Life is good in the gospel.

Well I love you all. Cant wait to hear from you guys. Les Amo

 Elder McFarland

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