Monday, July 20, 2015

Weird Week

Last week was weird. It just feels like time goes by so fast, and I can hardly get anything done! We have little things we have to do here and then an appointment there and oops we forgot to shut the garage door. I feel like we are making very slow progress, though. We had more member involvement in missionary work this week. I love our members here. They are so funny and loving. Its hard with such good members because they want you to come over every week for food, but if we were to do that, we would not have any time for our investigators. We are trying to help them focus on doing missionary work instead of making us food.

We do a lot of service in this area. It is really nice. We served at a food kitchen last week. I was talking to some older women and it just amazed me how different we are than the world. They asked me what I did for fun if I didnt drink or sing or dance. I laughed and told them that we can sing and dance. They still were baffled at what we do for fun. Then they asked me what I would do if they sent some attractive women to my house. I told them I would tell them that we could talk after the mission. They continued to give me very inappropriate situations... and I just laughed because it was awkward. They were nice and spunky, and I feel that we left them with a good impression of us boring folk.

This week we knocked a lot of doors. We had some pretty funny experiences. But the funniest contact was an 40ish year old, fat man wearing nothing but a speedo that opened his door, said "I'm sleepy", and slammaed the door. My companion and I turned to each other and just busted up laughing. There arent too many dull moments here in New Jersey.

Something a friend told me this week is that the driving force is love. She wrote me, "He said in Matthew 27:22, 'What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?...' The multitude cried out to crucify Him, but today I asked my class and I asked myself personally, 'What shall I do with Jesus?' How will I increase my love for Him? I thought today, LOVE WAS HIS DRIVING FORCE, SO LET IT BE OURS!"

Thanks rach ;)

I have found that it is the small things we do that make a difference if they are done with love. I have gotten better at learning how to love people regardless of their religion, their background, or their behavior. Sometimes these Jersey-ites make it really hard. But it is possible.

Like Elder Holland says "Hope on. Journey on."

Waz good
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the gospel

Make it a happy week


Zone 8

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