Monday, August 25, 2014

Elder Palmer is growing up fast.

Last P day we went and picked peaches. Freehold Ward missionaries right here!

Our district minus our district leader and companion.

Here is Elder Camper and I, also E Palmer and I built legos... that was fun

Something I drew this week

penny board and mijo


Hello. Its been a week, and I am so happy to be writing you. I have thought a lot about you this week. 

E Palmer is growing up so fast. He is getting a lot better at spanish and our comp unity in lessons is a lot better. We have a specialized meeting this week that we are both excited to go to. He is doing super well and we have been having fun! He is a great kid and we get along well. 

Today we are trying to make it to the beach, so I don't have much time.

We have 2 new investigators this week. One is super solid. He wants to learn and find out for himself if this is the true church. His girlfriend is a less active we found the week before and we are going to go see them tomorrow. Hopefully they will get married and start a family in the true gospel.
Other than that, it was a pretty slow week. We taught a lot of members and less actives. We had 2 less actives come to church yesterday that havent come to church since I have been here. Hopefully they have come back to stay!
I have been focusing on having fun while we work. We played soccer on saturday with some members that we ran into. A bunch of their friends were there and it was fun to play for a bit. 

I went on exchange with e. Camper. He is a giant. It was funny to see all of the people stand next to him. He is about to go home so it was nice to gather some of his outlooks on how to be a successful missionary.  

I got a penny board from a member so I have been riding that around when I can. Other than that... I am pretty boring.
If you could keep praying for Alma and Adrian, Esperanza and Veronica, Marcos and Elsa (especially elsa-- she cried and vented about how hard it can be... she is super strong. A mother that gives EVERYTHING up for her kids.), and now Adelfo and Nancy. Pray for them and we will see miracles. 
I love you family. Thank you so much for the package. That was the best! I have been wearing the shirts everyday... they are so nice! be looking for a package from me soon.

Waz good.

I love you family. Stay strong. Jersey Strong.

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