Monday, March 31, 2014


I am getting transferred!

No. I am not. I am staying in Paterson! But last night we got the transfer text and it said I was leaving! I couldn't sleep I was so shocked. We woke up and said it couldnt be possible, the people leaving didn't make sense. so we checked, and yes, they had played a joke on us. Blasted Zone Leaders!

This last week was crazy. We worked really hard and it passed by really fast. We worked hard with our investigators and sadly, none of them came to church. So they aren't as close as I thought, but we will work with them. We had a lot of lessons with less actives and recent converts this week. We worked hard all week, andFriday I kind of blew up. I got angry because we had stayed out past 9:30 playing basketball with our investigator and our less actives. We didn't teach them anything and I think I was worn out. I lost the Spirit and expressed my frustration to E. Murray. We made up and had a great day on Saturday
It rained three days straight this week. We worked, but we were soaked. I am so grateful for umbrellas.
Yesterday was a hard Sunday, but well worth the miracle. We walked to Lissett's house to pick them up for church. I woke up Alejandro and he took 40 minutes to shower... ugh. We had a ride for them but she canceled on us, so we had to walk. we got there at 10, an hour after it started. Then the classes weren't that great... so I was a lil bit worn out.
But we continued. We went to a baptism and it remotivated me to help my investigators. We then had dinner at Lissett's. It was so good, good costa rica pollo y arroz (everything is named chicken and rice here). Our miracle came as a goodbye lesson with a former investigator. We met with Felix and Yomeira. Yomeira has a ton of q's but is now gonna let us help her with those q's. It was a great lesson and it reminded me of how great this work is. I am lucky to be apart of it.
I love the Book of Mormon. I know its the word of God. I am excited to listen to our living prophet this upcoming weekend.

keep praying! keep reading! 

I love you


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