Monday, September 21, 2015

One more transfer

I am going to start writing this letter first. By the time I get to this letter, I am annoyed with emailing, and I just throw some words on the screen. Ergo my letters home aren't very good. 

but here we go... last week was a good week!

Roberto scared the living daylights out of me. He didn't answer his phone all week. Finally on Thursday he picks up and tells us he is working and to call him on Friday. We did and set up an appointment with him. He and we didn't want to rush through the material, so we decided to push it to this SaturdaySaturday and not Sunday because General Conference is the following week, and the week after is Stake Conference. He wouldn't be able to get confirmed for 3 weeks. So we are going to baptize him on Saturday. He is ready. We all feel it. It is way past time... a couple decades late. But it is happening this Saturday. Please keep him in your prayers.

Yari and Leo aren't doing so good. I mean, they are progressing and reading the scriptures, but Leo's health is getting worse. We need a lot of prayers on his part. They are getting exhausted of the hardships and struggles. Poor friends. They are so desperate for a cure. I have faith that their cure will come as they continue learning the gospel. As they pray for guidance, they will know which doctor to go to to receive help. 

The members here are doing good! There is a huge possibility that this branch will become a ward at the beginning of 2016. D. Todd Christofferson came and opened a new stake in Central Jersey. We didn't get to go because our stake wasn't a part of it, but our president said that it was powerful and that he left some special blessings on the Jerseyites. It is fun to be in a place where you can contribute so much to a ward or branch. Being involved is awesome! I want to continue to be an involved member my entire life. There is so much good we can do.

We had a 3 day exchange with our assistants this last week. He listened to our opinions on how we think the mission should be run, and then he gave us some good feedback on how we can improve. We worked hard and laughed hard. It has been a blessing to serve the missionaries here. I wish I had been more focused on loving the missionaries around me instead of trying to be better than them. 

Maybe you could also include Tyler McFarland in your prayers this week. This is the last week of the transfer, and I am nervous that President might take me out of Trenton. Just pray for me that I will be happy with whatever he chooses. Wherever I am the next transfer, pray that I will know that that is where God wants me.

It is fun to be a missionary. I would choose to serve for another year if I could. 

I love the guidance I am given as I read the scriptures. 

I love my people here in New Jersey. They are so special to me.

I love you family and friends.

Waz Good
Jersey Strong
Life is good in the gospel

Elder McFarland

Roberto is cool.

Buster the turtle. Empanadillas from Zulay. 

And me and Zulay.

Ylonka gave me a pilon.

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