Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Crazy it is almost August!

Elder Nelson and I

 We found a turtle

Welcome to week 5

It is so crazy how fast this transfer has gone by. It is almost August. That is disgustingly fast. 

On Monday we drove down to the Highlands and partied at a house of some investigators. They were super cool and made us food while we played soccer. I popped the ball you guys gave me :( sorry.

Tuesday was awesome. We went and visited Alma and Adrian. They made us posole. It was so darn good. Then we had a very solid lesson. We got on a tangent and talked about how we are family. They expressed their love and gratefulness to us. It's those moments when you realize how much God loves you. They want to join so bad. They will, just need some time. Their daughter Itay is so cute. 

Thursday and Wednesday were good... I think. I can't really remember them. We had interviews on Wednesday, though. I did a role play with President Taggart. That was cool, but kind of scary. oooh!  I remember we found a turtle at the house of one of our less actives. Whaaa? It was so small and cool and distracting. 

Friday was awesome. We had some dinner appointments which are always nice. We went to Esperanza's and Vero's and ate some really good meatballs. Then we watched a lil church movie with them. We then talked about miracles. We need a miracle for them. I want them to be baptized while I am here, but it seems like it might take years before that happens. Oh well. I will come back for their baptism.

Saturday was good. I had an exchange with Elder Anding. I had a solid  with my him. I was kind of tired and negative. We went to try a potential and found that only the wife was home, but we starting talking to her. We ended up sharing Alma 7:11-12 with her. I started to bear witness of the Atonement, and I felt the Spirit. I don't know if she recognized it, but the Spirit told us both that Jesus knows when we cry. He knows when our knees buckle. He knows the frustration that never shows. And He makes it better. Knowing that makes me feel happy. Makes me feel loved.

Elder nelson and I are now on exchange til Wednesday due to our companions leaving next week.


Here are some pics.

Love y'all

Elder ty

p.s. best package ever. I love you all so much!! Thank you

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